коммунальных сетей

Инженерные услуги
для трубопроводов

Проводим диагностику
с 2006 года

24 часа 7 дн/нед

ул. Уткина д. 40А

Экспертиза коммунальных сетей

Инженерные услуги для трубопроводов

Проводим диагностику
с 2006 года
+7 (495) 517-20-98
+7 (499) 391-06-61
ул. Уткина д. 40А

Quite often, reliable as-built documentation is not available for networks and sections of water, sewage and heating lines or power cables. Among other services, we offer network route location. Metal line route location is conducted with route locator equipment, while sewage route location is carried out with video camera equipment and dedicated probes. Upon completion of the work, area layout plans are prepared and routes are identified on location, including old manholes. Such work is necessary for operators and developers alike, because it allows them to locate all utilities within a specified area.

коммунальных сетей

Инженерные услуги
для трубопроводов